+91 8800 911 809
Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimization is a process in which we optimize the website as per search engine latest algorithm to rank for search queries which are being used by the users on search engine.

Our SEO Approach Consists Of - 5 Steps Plan

1. Preliminary SEO Audit

  • Preliminary high-level SEO assessment
  • Competitive benchmarking of organic search traffic
  • Ranking Analysis
  • On-page audit
  • Off-page credibility assessment
  • 5-Dimensional Score Card
  • Benchmark on SEO Maturity Model

2. Define Business Goals & KPIs

  • Effective website indexing and crawling
  • Improve ranking for targeted keywords
  • Enhance CTR (Click through rate)
  • Increase traffic for specific products and geography
  • Increase leads/conversion for specific products

3. SEO Strategy & Execution Plan

  • Comprehensive analysis of website architecture, on-page parameters and content
  • Strategy aligned to business goals
  • Define optimization process and best practices
  • 3-6-9 months plan
  • Quick fixes
  • Short term actions
  • Long term actions

4. Setup and Optimization

  • Implementation of SEO recommendations
  • Online competitor analysis from SEO perspective
  • Keyword research & page mapping
  • Optimize page snippet
  • Optimize internal & external links structure

5. Continuous Improvements

  • Track SEO parameters effectiveness
  • Measure impact of SEO improvements
  • SEO Strategy change based on impact analysis
  • Iterative model for improvements
  • Dashboards and reporting

SEO Solution

Website Assessment
(2 weeks)
Setup & Optimisation
(1-6 months)
Continuous Improvements
(7-12 months)
Comprehensive analysis of website architecture, on-page parameters and content. Configure & update Google & Bing webmaster tools Web Standards compliance
Define business goals & KPIs Find and fix crawling and indexing errors Quality link building
Executive summary with recommendations and quick deployment strategy URL redirects and vanity URLs Integrated SEO-PPC process
Create and maintain XML Sitemaps Multi regional and multi lingual optimisation
Keyword research and analysis SEO Optimisation during content creation
Optimize on page elements Track SEO parameters effectiveness
Optimize linking structure SEO Strategy and change based on impact analysis
Expected Benefits
Gaps & opportunities identified Improved findability and indexing Improved keyword ranking
Strategy aligned to business goals Natural search traffic improvement Search CTR improvement
Detailed roadmap (3-6-9 months plan) Improved user experience Improved conversion & organic traffic
Reduced PPC spend

Strategy Roll-out Plan

On-Site Assessment
(2 Weeks)
Immediate Fixes
(1-3 Months)
Long term Fixes
(4-6 Months)
Continuous Optimization
(7-12 Months)
Comprehensive analysis of website architecture Configuration Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster tool Competitive keywords research Re-Visit SEO Strategy based on the impact analysis
Competitive assessment and benchmarking Identify and recommend technical SEO fixes Identify quick-win and high conversion keywords based on analytics data Leverage Page Speed, LSI keywords, HTTPs and Google algorithm updates
Identify areas for improvement Identify and fix indexing and crawling errors (404, 500 etc,) Localised keyword theme for specific market and user segmentation Identify and provide recommendation to fix superfluous code
Define short term and long term business goals & KPIs Implement SEO best practices On Page recommendation Quality link building optimization
  • Local Listing
  • Bloggers outreach
  • Backlink Profile Analysis
  • Link Reclamation
  • Q&A Posting
  • Video Optimization
  • Rich Media & Infographics
Outline geographical markets and products to prioritize Competitive keyword research & content analysis and benchmark Page and content architectural analysis and recommendation
Enhance current SEO optimization process Optimize CMS page template Provide recommendation to optimize site loading speed
Create high level process flow and define role of various stakeholders Optimise XML Sitemap for better indexing Leverage Google Knowledge graph and feature snippets
Share sample recommendation of different deliverables and take sign off Resolve GEO and language targeting issue using HREFLANG Using Latent Semantic Index (LSI) keywords while creating content
Create 3-6-9 month plan Resolve duplicate content issue Broken link and lost URL recycling
SEO optimized workflow for new product launch and end-of-life product Provide recommendation for semantic markup and structured data/rich snippet Leverage vertical searches by optimising content for them
Publish SEO scorecard and benchmark status maturity model Identify and remove of spammy/low-quality links Brand Authority & Link Optimization
Track SEO parameters effectives and publish KPI Dashboard Track SEO parameters effecitves and publish KPI Dashboard

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